Last weekend, our good friend Howard got married out in St. Louis. Congrats Howard and Emily!
He, John, and Chris had a fun mini high school reunion, which is apt, since this is the year of our 10th high school reunion.
Now, we've been to a bunch of weddings at this point, but Howard and Emily threw a really spectacular one that had waaaay delicious food. Lobster bisque, caprese salad, the
tenderest tenderloin...and LOOK at this dessert buffet!
In addition to the terrific food, Howard and Emily's wedding won the award for Best Special Effects, haha.
Fireworks show! So awesome!
What else did we do in St. Louis? Chris, John and I made the obligatory visit to the Gateway Arch, which was very Halo-esque. It was also very fun to take pictures of, but I'll only subject you to my favorite one.
After waiting in a looooooong line, we went up to the top of the arch in one of these little claustrophobic pods (the so-called "tram").
By the time we finally got to the top, we were running late for the wedding, so we stayed for only about 30 seconds. (I mean this quite literally.) But it wasn't really a huge loss...we all now agree with Howard that the arch is indeed a "tourist trap" and "overrated". The view from the bottom was much cooler than the view from the top, I thought. Still, I'm glad we did it at least once.
The next day, we braved the crowds once more to visit Forest Park and the (free admission!) St. Louis Zoo. Favorite animal of the day? Take a wild guess.
Yeah, missed my girls. :-)
I also enjoyed seeing a real
okapi, after looking at the model on Daniel's desk every morning.
There wasn't any time to make the reunion complete and have a nice D&D session...but we'll save that for next time, heehee.