Sunday, January 09, 2011

Holidays in Germantown, MD

After two weeks in Europe, we returned to Germantown, MD, to hang out with Chris's family at their new condo by the lake. We baked and cooked a ton: gingerbread cookies, molasses cookies, banana bread, pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes, aloo saag, butternut squash soup, and cucumber yogurt salad.

We also saw South Pacific at the Kennedy Performing Arts Center, and got ourselves hooked on Firefly.

But probably the most memorable theme of the holidays was "throwing things".

Chris's parents' new condo had an upstairs loft, a great place for launching stuffed animals at victims below. And the lake had a thin layer of ice on it, so we spent a great deal of time throwing rocks, logs, and basketballs into the lake, so we could hear the space-agey rattling when the ripples cracked the ice in waves.

Best sign we saw by the lake:

ICE NEVER SAFE. A little over-general maybe?

We also saw a hilarious bear at Cold Stone, lol.

A few more pictures of the lake and our first GeoCaching experience here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Need a moment?" HAHAHA.