This weekend, we finally made it to infinity, and honestly, the Coulombs can keep it. Fresno sucks.
The Sunnyvale Tennis Club's 6.5 combo men's doubles team made it to the District Championships, so I went out to watch Chris play. I thought it would be a fun opportunity to take pictures, but my camera ran out of batteries and I had to use my Blackberry. Not that it matters. It was ferociously cold and dreary, and the whole weekend looked basically like this:
After shivering through a day of matches (complete with me jogging around the courts wrapped in an emergency blanket), we woke up this morning to find that our car looked like this:
We stayed at the Piccadilly Inn, supposedly the best hotel in Fresno, to avoid something like this. But apparently, bandits broke into our car to steal Chris's new remote controlled helicopter that he'd just gotten for his birthday. We initially though it must have been some drunk kids, because they didn't bother taking our toll money from the glove compartment, or the XM Radio. They even broke into another car on the lot and didn't take anything. But later, when we were getting our window replaced, we noticed evidence that they'd used a crowbar.
Luckily, Super-Low Price Auto Glass (yes that's their real name) -- the only auto glass repair place open 7 days a week in Fresno -- was able to fix it in about an hour, and $135 later, we made it to the day's match.
We still don't know how useful it is to make a police report (we called them, and they said they would call back to get the full report, but it's 11 p.m. and they haven't yet), or whether we should push the hotel to help reimburse us...but maybe we'll figure that out later. A little too tired to care right now.
The good news of the weekend is that the team won just enough sets to make it to the Sectionals in January! They didn't win the championship, but just managed to win the wild card spot. I'm happy for them...and even happier that the Sectionals are in Sacramento instead of Fresno.
Well, if your ever out of town and you have the unfortunate glass breakage happen again try for a local shop that can service you :)
Thanks for the tip, but when I entered my info, it turns out that your company quotes $243.92, which is almost double what I paid at Super-Low Cost Auto Glass, and furthermore you can't do same-day service.
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