Saturday, May 08, 2010

Lovely Spring Weekend

A couple weeks ago, Chris's parents came to visit, and we spent the lovely spring weekend exploring the Bay Area.

Wine Tasting at Casa de Fruta

Our first stop was the Santa Clara Valley Wineries Spring Wine Celebration and BBQ, which was at Casa de Fruta (near Gilroy). I from Santa Clara Valley?! Isn't the real name Silicon Valley? And don't we basically only grow startups here? I at least, have never seen any grapes growing along 101. But actually, they had some nice wines; overall, our favorite winery was Cinnabar.

We listened to a lot of 70s music, and also realized that I was the only Asian at the entire event. I didn't even see any Indians. Seriously non-Silicon Valley. But a lovely day nonetheless! Before we left, we bought some dried fruit and an olallieberry pie. There was much confusion as to what an olallieberry is, but here is the final equation (according to Wikipedia):

Loganberry = Blackberry x Raspberry
Youngberry = Blackberry x Dewberry
Olallieberry = Loganberry x Youngberry
Olallieberry + Pie = YUM!

Hiking to Tomales Point

The next day, we went hiking in Marin for the very first time (despite having talked about wanting to go for several years now). We chose to hike to Tomales Point and it was gorgeous; ocean views, wildflowers in full bloom, and plentiful wildlife (elk). What more could we ask for?

We also ran into this interesting flora (below), which Kevin Gong's site calls a "thistle". But we dubbed it the "Mordor Flower".

You know, flaming eye, ensconced in a spiky pillar (of sorts)?

Anyways, beautiful weekend. Very glad Chris's parents came out and motivated us to do something other than play tennis! Please feel free to look at more pretty pictures from wine tasting and hiking on Picasa.

1 comment:

Charlo said...

Mordor flower. he he he